Meaning is constructed to promote audience understanding:
In our video the main message from the lyrics was shown across in our video, making it easier for the audience to understand the meaning of the song and the message the band is trying to promote.
Our narrative is also very continous with no break aways from the action for performances of the band, therefore making it easier for the audience to follow and understand.
Narrative groups events into cause and effect, action and effect:
In our video we intentionally show emotion shots of the character due to the appearance and then disappearances of the band in certain areas, which is used to build up suspense and keep the audience interested so they can understand what effect the presence of the band can cause.
In our narrative the character actually does react in general way that most people would by trying to run away and escape from the band as ghosts, therefore making it easier for the audience to relate to the video and be more drawn into it.
Narrative organises time and space into compressed form:
Our video is not shot in real time however it does give the audience the audience that it is occuring over one small time period as we see the character running and being followed all within the same day without conditions changing, and so making it seem more realistic to the viewer and therefore making it look less like that space and time have been compressed.
Narrative story - refers to all events, explicitly presented or inferred:
Narrative plot - refers to everything audibly or visually present:
The voice of the narrative can vary. From whose perspective is the story being told? Whose story is being told?:
In our music video the narrative follows Tom the protagonist. We show this by featuring Tom as the only character in the equilibriam, in the disequilibriam the antagonists arrive and the narrative continues forward, however in this disequilibriam the narrative varies between each character in our music video, this relates to the music video conventions of selling the artist to the viewer. As it is Toms story being told once the new equilibriam arrives in the music video the band disappear leaving Tom once again on his own. This suggests to the audience that it was Toms story being told throughout the narrative. This is an example of how our music video met
Tzvetan Todorovs narrative theory because we featured the three stages of his narrative theory.
Narrative is constructed through camerawork, lighting and mise-en-scene: