Friday, 6 May 2011

Essay plan - Section A 1B

Question: What meanings can be generated through studying genre elements in your work?

Talk about the discussion of whether genre theory really exists
Say how you're going to discuss the different arguments associated with the genre

Micro elements such as mise-en-scene can create meaning by studying genre, as the characters can be recognised by audiences.

Point: Thriller genres have themes of identity - how have we created identity? - through mise-en-scene - forms meaning of the types of characters in our thriller

Theorist -

Robert stam believes that it could be argued that genres don't really exist and they are only a construction of analysts.
David Bordwell 


Genre has an influential impact on the audience and is needed to help audience choose their film.

Genre helps define audience choice and gives film makers a focus

Genres aren't as strict as they used to be, more modernly there are hybrid genres. 

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