Youth representation:
The props and colours that make up our mise-en-scene represents youth quite strongly.
Making it more relatable to the audience and so easier to relate to the band, increasing the like ability factor of our video.
We use high angle shots and showing our character in peril to represent youth as weak and helpless whilst due to their lack of experience in life.
Theorist (David Gauntlett) his theory of how identity isn't fixed and change due to the environment around them supports our video, as we see our character as a stereotypical youth just relaxing and not expressing much emotion, but once the band appear he becomes scared and in panic which is not how youth are generally represented in films.
Gender (male) representation:
Males are represented in two different views, protagonist and antagonist in our video.
Protagonist is shown in peril through emotion shots and their panicked movement and emotions.
Antagonist represented as the dominant set of characters through editing techniques which show them as supernatural and uncontrollable, e.g. when they repeatedly appear and then disappear in front of the character.
This shows males are represented as good and evil and are not typically on one side.
We challenge Laura Mulveys theory that women are used as objects to help strengthen the male gaze and increase the appeal of our video to viewers, as we don't use any females at all during our video even though we are appealing to a male audience.
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