Tuesday, 3 May 2011


Our audience is young males who are interested in similar music to the track in our music video. These youths would be in their teens as they can relate to the band featured in our video the most, this is due to similarities in age, background, props and clothing featured in our mise en scene. We meet the expectations of our audience through meeting the conventions of a music video with music similar to ours. We do this by featuring the band to the audience, by seeing them performing, intertextuality with other bands and music related companies such as the NME magazine we showed in our music video therefore making music fans relate to our video more therefore increasing the likability of our video.

We believe our music video would receive a PG because our music video meets the criteria for tis certificate. In our disequilibriam we feature horror scenes which are not prolonged, these are fantasy scenes which are also accepted in a PG film. Also we feature no drug, sex, foul language or disrimination therefore making our music video suitable for all children above 8 years old.

We are trying to acieve a active reponse from our viewers, we would like them to discuss how we challenged traditional conventions of indierock videos such as how we placed our band in a daytime setting rather than a dark and gloomy one. This would result in our viewers discussing the music video and challenging it resulting in more people watching it through word of mouth advertisment. This would therefore sell our artist meeting our music video convnetions to a better degree. We also challenged Laura Mulveys theory of voyerusiem, we did not feature women in our video to provide visual pleasure to our male audience. Our reasons for this links with how we wanted an active response from viewers, viewers of the video would have a passive response if they were provided with female voyerism.

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