Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Dog Soldiers

1. What key features of editing, mise en scene, sound and cinematography can you identify and what meanings do these elements generate?

Quiet forest diegetic sound during first initial chase to build up tension and keep the audience on the edge of their seats.
Diegetic bullets and shouting are used to emphasise the stress and danger that these characters are in, which the audience could understand.
A dramatic score is played during during the running and fighting to increase the tension and emotions of the characters.
Drumming and pace of score becomes faster and louder as running pace and action increases, to sound representative of the character's heartbeats and activities.

Match-on-action when characters move through doors to build tension incase anything jumps out at them.
Fade transitions between scenes to cut through time, so that action is occuring throughout.
Eye-line match when when watching the solider shooting to his point of view of seeing the werewolves.
Continuity editing throughout to make it easy for the audience to follow, creating a sense of time and reality.

Close up o characters faces shows their emotions making it easier for the audience to understand their feeling and emotions.
Werewolves are shot at a higher angle compared to soldiers who are shot at a lower angle, showing that the werewolves are stronger and dominant    

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