1) What key features of editing, mise-en-scene, sound and cinematography can you identify? What meanings do these elements generate?
fire light - made a gloomy/dangerous environment - especially around Ryan
soldiers appeared tired/sweaty - showing how hard the fight is - can they win?
moon - hints that there is more fighting to come.
lighting is nature therefore creating authenticity
medium shots - shows them preparing to fight/tie up Ryan
close ups used in shot-reverse-shot of conversation of Ryan and Cooper
close ups also showed on the car wheels, gear stick etc, showing the problem with the vehicle
handheld camera - creates confusion and franticness to the situation
over the shoulder - appears as if someone is backing him up/watching
pan of men around the table - shows their emotion - sense of loss and inevitable defeat.
accelerated hot reverse shot - shows energy of conversation and can see the characters emotions/reactions
zoom - into window towards woman
slow motion - fire chasing the car and explosion
match on action
diegetic sound - guns loading, footsteps, heavy breathing, heartbeat of ware-wolf (no soundtrack - emphasizes solitude)
non-diegetic - soundtrack is fast paced and emphasises the upbeat movement of the situation
heroic sound at times
abrupt changes from diegetic to non-diegetic - creates dramatic emphasis
Piano sound - in the disequilibrium stage
2) How do the technical elements you have identified help indicate the genre of the film? What other conventions do you think are evident in Dog Soldiers?
We would say 'Dog Soldiers' is an action/horror genre. Elements such as the fast paced energetic soundtrack support the genre we have given it. Mise-en-scene features a lot of gore and fictional monsters to emphasize the horror side of the genre whilst the action shown through the soldiers show the action side of the genre. Perhaps there is a comedic element to 'Dog Soldiers', little things such as shooting the hand through the letter box were laughed at throughout our viewing.
3) Are there three clear stages to the film's narrative? Does it have an equilibrium, disequilibrium and new equilibrium structure?
yes, Piano sound - in the disequilibrium stage. And the new equilibrium when the man walks out of the front door alone in day light.
4) How do you think gender is represented in the film?
Masculinity is shown throughout the film through the soldiers and how they battle through it, the female gender is also represented to be a twisted and plotting - as she pretends to be nice and helpful before she turns into a wolf and wants to kill all of them - this suggests the film makers are male/ or people with bad views of women.
5) How does Dog Soldiers represent the armed forces?
The armed forces are represented to be slightly corrupt, they were internally set up by Ryan, someone of a higher rank, however the corporal ranks are represented as genuine people who work together and care about each other. It also displays the armed forces as being quite humorous and perhaps less powerful and dominant as you would wish them to be.
6) Who do you think the film is aimed at?
Aimed at men and people who like ironic humour shown through a very small budget with Wolf costumes bought from tesco. lol
Aimed at people who are interested in soldiers, the army, werewolves etc.
7) What certificate do you think the film would get and why?
I think this film's certificate would be a '15' because of the gore, violence and strong language. It shouldn't be an 18 certificate because there aren't elements that strong in the film.g