1. What key features of editing, mise en scene, sound and cinematography can you identify? What meanings do these elements generate?
Mise en scene: - Costumes - Soldiers in uniform, this represents that they are a team. The house was normal everything set as if people were living there, eg table set, food cooking, family picture on mantel piece. They use different props, mainly weapons.
Editing: - The editing is very fast paced representing the intensity and danger which the characters are facing. Point of view of werewolves to show their prey. Jump cut showing everything which is going on at that moment.
Sound: - Non - diegetic - Dramatic music which creates the atmosphere, shows that the characters are in danger. Changes to quick tempo when being chased.
- Diegetic - The wind and the trees moving sounds creepy, its almost silent as if waiting for something to happen. Men shouting at each other shows working as a team.
Cinematography: - Low angles on the werewolves to make them look bigger and stronger, the dominant figure. Establishing shot of house to set the scene. Close-up when action is happening and also when someone is being killed to show the intensity.
2. How do the technical elements you have identified help indicate the genre of the film?
Genre - Action Horror
The sound helps identify this genre. For example the non- diegetic music goes from fast paced which represents action, to slow and creepy which shows the horror. The editing also has this same effect.
3. Are there three clear stages to the film's narrative? Does it have an equilibrium, dis- equilibrium and new equilibrium structure?
4. How do you think gender is represented in the film?
The men are all represented as strong, they work together as a team helping each other out. They all wear soldiers uniforms and each have big guns. Ryan, the special ops man wears a black suit showing his masculinity and that he is above the other characters. Megan, the only woman in the film is also represented as a quite manly figure, she wore jeans and a tank top and was quite an individual figure.
5. How does Dog Soldiers represent the armed forces?
This film represents the armed forces as strong men that work together.
6. Who do you think the film is aimed at?
7. What certificate do you think the film would get and why?
This film should get an 18 certificate.
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