The Villain (struggles against the hero)
The Donor (prepares hero or gives hero some magical component)
The (magical) helper (helps hero in quest)
The princess (marries hero, often sought for in narrative)
Her father
The dispatcher (character who makes the lack know and sends hero off)
The hero or villain, reacts to donor weds princess.
The False Hero (disrupts hero's success by making false claims)
Star wars character theory:
The Hero: Luke Skywalker
The Villain: Darth Vader
The Donor: Obi-Wan Kenobi
Magical Helper: Yoda
The Princess: Princess Leia
The Dispatcher: Obi-Wan
The Helper: Han Solo
Princess Father: Darth Vader
The False Hero: (Lando Calrissian)
Star Wars follows propps theory in many ways, however tit does challenge it in some areas e.g. princess's father doesn't really exist.
Lando as false hero -
Play at 5:00
Harry Potter character theory:
Villian: Voldemort
Donor: Dumbledore
Dispatcher: Hagrid
False Villain: Snape (challenges false hero theory)
The Helper: Ron + Hermione (Gender stereotypes as they help in different ways)
The Princess: Ginney Weasley
Princess Father: Author Weasley
Propps Narrative Theory:
A community/kingdom/family is in an ordered state of being
A member of the community/kingdom/family leaves home
A warning is given to the leaders of the community or a rule is imposed on the hero
The warning is discounted/ the rule is broken
The villain attempts to discover something about the victim of the broken rule
The villain tries to deceive the victim to gain advantage
The victim unwittingly helps the villain
A state of disorder
The villain harms a member of the community/kingdom/family
One of the members of the community/kingdom/family desires something
The hero is sent to get what is desired
The hero plans action against the villain
The hero leaves home
The hero is tested or attacked/ he meets the test and is given a magical gift or helper
The hero reacts to the donor
The hero arrives at the place he can fulfil his quest
There is a struggle between the hero and the villain
|The hero is branded
The villain is overcome
The state of disorder is settled
The hero returns
The hero is pursued
The hero escapes or is rescued
The hero arrives home and is not recognised
A false hero claims rewards
A task is set for the hero
The task is accomplished
The hero is recognised
The false hero or villain is unmasked
The false hero is punished
The hero attains the reward (princess/ kingdom)
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