Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Theorists and theories analysis of music video and thriller

 Music Video Theorist Analysis:

Roland Barthes - Semiotics
Our music video uses Roland Barthes of semiotics, the props involved e.g. Led Zeppellin poster, digital radio, NME magazine have pluralistic meanings in the sense that they represent examples good music trying to give the audience an impression that our music was of the same level. Also this relates to the genre of our media project which is a music video.

Vladimir Propp - Character Theory
Our video challenged Vladimir Propp's theories as it only featured one hero and multiple villains, this was done to achieve a simple narrative to the viewers so that more attention to the music and the conventions featured in our music video e.g. featuring the whole band sharing an equal amount of screen time giving the audience a clear view of each member.
We also decided not to feature any other characters from his character theory due to the length of our media product as we felt it would get confusing with the limited amount of time that the viewer had to relate to the amount of characters.
Our narrative supports his narrative theory to a large extent, we follow six of his seven narrative in order, but there was no recognition stage at the end of our video because due to the narrative of our video this is not needed, as narrative only affects one character and no one else knows about it.  

Tzetan Todorov - Narrative Theory
We support Todorov's narrative theory as our media project features an equilibrium (before the band arrive, character reading), dis-equilibrium (Band arrive and chase character), new equilibrium (band disappear leaving character alone).

David Gauntlett - Collective Identity + Media Effect
A variety of products feature in our product which represent a variety of collective identities which the audience could easily identify with e.g. Led Zepellin, Foo Fighters, therefore our video could different collective identities together.

Laura Mulvey - Over exposure of women
Our music video completely challenges laura mulvey's theory as our music video is aimed at males but contains no females, and also contains no sexual reference so there was no reference of women and men being used for visual pleasure.
However our feature does contain a male protagonist which laura mulvey says it quite common in media projects, we used a male protagonist for similar reasons to what mulvey says the majority use their protagonist for, these reasons were that our male audience can relate to the character's feeling, actions and emotions during our video.    

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